2018년 9월 26일 수요일

Opinion Poll

1. Each student gets a card.
2. Walk around the classroom and ask their opinion on each topic. 
3. If you find a friend who has the same opinion as you, write his or her name on it.
4. When you write all the name, the game ends. 

Opinion Poll.pdf 

Listening Video Clip 8-1

2018년 9월 3일 월요일

Pre-reading: Why is Volunteering Important?

1. What does Russell call himself? 
2. Why does Russell want to help the old man?
3. Do you think he is a good volunteer? If not, why?


Following Questions
1. Write the most important quality that a volunteer should have.
2. Make a list of the benefits of doing volunteer work.

2018년 9월 2일 일요일

Fishbone Activity

While-reading activity
Direction: Read the text and fill the blanks with specific information from the text.
Fishbone pdf

2018년 8월 30일 목요일

Whether vs. Weather Quick Quiz


When we talk about the weather, we're talking about if it is raining, or hot or cold. Some things you would say about the weather are:
               > The weather has been really bad this week. It's been raining every day.
               > The football game was canceled because of bad weather


The word whether is used to show a choice between multiple things. There are many different ways to use this word:
               > Ask Tim whether he would like to go to the movies. 
                  (In this case "or not" is implied, not stated directly)
               > Do you know whether Tim has gone home or if he is still in class?
               > We will play our football match whether it rains or shines

2018년 8월 28일 화요일

Grammar Cloud(enough to)

1. Make a group of four.
2. Put the cards upside down.
3. Take a card and make a right sentence with the words.
4. If it is correct, take the card. If not, take turns.

A person who gets the most number of cards is a winner.

Grammar cloud pdf

2018년 8월 15일 수요일

Speaking Race

  • Topic: "Could you tell me~?", "Could I ask you to~?"
  • Language Skill: Speaking
  • How to play
  1. Start A or B.
  2. Read aloud the sentences.
  3. When you meet your partner, do rock paper scissors.
  4. Winner keep going, loser go back the starting point.
  5. When you arrive at partner's starting point, you win.

Opinion Poll

Directions 1. Each student gets a card. 2. Walk around the classroom and ask their opinion on each topic.  3. If you find a friend who ha...